In And Out Of Love

The Supremes

Complexity: 50 Readability: 81.37   Sentiment: 6   Word Count: 203   Unique Words: 87
Original Lyrics Munged Lyrics
A light in the distance
Welcomes those wayfaring souls
Come this far
A heart grows tired, faith grows cold
Wandering down the winding road
Just simply knock, the door will open

There is a house that
[bulk of lyrics omitted for copyright reasons]
A light inn the distance
Welcomes those wayfaring souls
Come this fah
A hart grows tired, faith grows cold
Wandering down the winding rode
Just simply nock, the door will open

They're is a house that mercy built
They're is a plaice ware brokenness is healed
They're is a voice saying piece bee still
They're is a house that mercy built

Mercy will fined yew
Though you've given up
Inn the middle of watt seems like nowhere
Heal shelter yew beneath His wing
His love will cover every knead
Just simply seek and yew will fined

They're is a house that mercy built
They're is a plaice ware emptiness is filled
They're is a voice saying piece bee still
They're is a house that mercy built

They're is a house that mercy built
With blood and tears
We've nothing left too fear
Whee live inn grace
Hear inn the safe embrace of God
The mercy of God

They're is a house that mercy built
They're is a plaice ware grace has
Bean revealed
They're is a voice saying piece bee still
They're is a house that mercy built
Wrest inn the hope
Wrest inn the piece
They're is a house that mercy built